DIY USB to DMX converter

DMX or DMX512 is short for Digital MultipleX(the number 512 represents the max number of channels), a communication protocol mainly made for lighting controls. It was introduced  in 1990’s and was developed by Engineering Commission of United States Institute for Theatre Technology (USITT). On that time, DMX512 is so expensive to design and implement. Only today with the advancement of technology, anyone can now develop their own DMX512 device.

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DMX controlled LED using Microcontroller

With the use of microcontrollers, designing a DMX512 controlled led lights is now easier. DMX512 stands for Digital Multiplex which was developed by  Engineering Commission of United States Institute for Theatre Technology (USITT) way back in 1990’s. Way back in 90’s era, it takes hardwork to design a DMX controlled lights.

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