Nowadays, more and more devices are being connected to internet. It allows us to smart control. On this project I will show how you can control your electric fan using an internet browser on you phone or PC. This is very simple project you can build.

About the Circuit
The circuit uses a very popular and cheap nodemcu. This board is based on ESP8266 wifi module which is very powerful. It is a low cost open source IOT platform.

First things first…
Download first the arduino IDE on website if you do not have it yet installed. If this is your first time working with nodemcu, then you need to do this setup first on your arduino IDE to make it work with nodemcu:

After doing those setups, download the arduino source code on my download page to start. Change the wifi name and password on the code with your own wifi name and password:

Open then serial monitor of Arduino and set the baud rate to 115200.

After uploading the source code, you should see this on the serial monitor. Copy the ip address displayed and enter it into the internet browser of your phone or PC. Take note that they should be connected in same wifi router.
This project is based on: