If you love to build audio amplifier then you must be familiar with 2SC5200 and 2SA1943 power transistors. They are one of the most used power transistors for power audio amplifiers. While looking for a next project, I found this simple layout on the internet so I decided to make my own version with some few improvements.

The circuit is simple and easy to build especially for beginners who are looking for their next project. I have not yet dig into more technical details because I am too excited to make the PCB. I will publish the simulation and some technical details when I have time. The circuit can be able to deliver 50W at 8 ohms but I am not sure yet how much is the maximum power output it can deliver. You can power this amplifier with +-35V.

PCB Layout
I made a simple PCB layout that is using only 1 layer so anyone can make their own PCB at home.

3D Render
Kicad is used for this 3D render.

Bill Of Materials
Ref | Value |
C1 | 10u/50v electrolytic |
C2 | 10u/50v electrolytic |
C3 | 330p/50V ceremic |
C4 | 330u/50V electrolytic |
C5 | 330u/50V electrolytic |
D1 | 1N4148 |
D2 | 1N4148 |
Q1 | 2N5401 |
Q2 | 2N5401 |
Q3 | 2N5551 |
Q4 | 2N5401 |
Q5 | 2N5551 |
Q6 | 2SC5200 |
Q7 | 2SA1943 |
R1 | 22k |
R2 | 4.7k |
R3 | 47k |
R4 | 4.7k |
R5 | 100k |
R6 | 2.2k |
R7 | 0.15 / 5W resistor |
R8 | 0.15 / 5W resistor |
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